Walsingham Care Safeguarding Policy
Walsingham Care Trustees recognise that all their employees and volunteers have a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of persons under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. This policy is reflective of the determination by WALSINGHAM CARE to provide employees and volunteers with information and training that will assist them to identify vulnerable persons in need of assistance and in following the procedures to instigate such provision.
The Department of Health defines a vulnerable person as any person aged 18 or over whom:
- Is or may be in need of assistance by reason of mental, physical or learning disability, age or illness and who
- is or may be unable to take care of him or herself or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or serious exploitation which may be occasioned by the actions or inactions of other people.
What is Abuse?
Neglect: persistent or severe neglect of a vulnerable person, or failure to protect the vulnerable person from exposure to any kind of danger, resulting in the significant impairment of health or development.
Physical injury: actual or likely physical injury to a vulnerable person or failure to prevent physical injury (or suffering).
Sexual abuse: actual or likely sexual exploitation. The vulnerable person may be dependent or developmentally immature.
Emotional abuse: actual or likely severe adverse effects on the emotional and behavioural development of a vulnerable person caused by persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection. All abuse involves some emotional ill treatment. This category should be used where it is the main or sole form of abuse.
Walsingham Care trustees and staff are aware that we all have a responsibility towards vulnerable people, to safeguard and promote their welfare and to make appropriate decisions about how this can be achieved. It is not our responsibility to investigate abuse. Nevertheless, we have a duty to act if there is a cause for concern and to notify the appropriate agencies so that they can investigate and take any necessary action. We recognise that a vulnerable adult has the right to decline assistance. We will consider the implications of any issue raised and consider whether it is necessary to take any further action ourselves or to review or amend our procedures.
The nominated person responsible for monitoring this policy will be: Debbie Beach.
Contact email: debbie@walsinghamcare.org.uk
PROCEDURES for dealing with abuse of Vulnerable Persons
1.1 It is important that vulnerable persons are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously.
1.2 This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation is made that a vulnerable person has been abused or when there is a suspicion that a vulnerable person has been abused.
1.3 Promises of confidentiality should not be given as the matter may develop in such a way that these cannot be honored.
1.4 If the complainant is the vulnerable person, questions should be kept to a minimum necessary to understand what is being alleged and leading questions must be avoided. The use of leading questions can cause problems for the subsequent investigation and any court proceedings.
1.5 A full record should be made as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and other relevant information including:
- The time of the alleged abuse and the disclosure.
- The date of the alleged abuse and the disclosure.
- The place where the alleged abuse happened.
- Your name and the names of others present.
- The name of the complainant and, where different, the name of the vulnerable person who has allegedly been abused.
- The nature of the alleged abuse.
- A description of the alleged abuse.
- A description of any injuries observed.
- The account which has been given by the complainant of the allegation.
1.6 Some vulnerable persons with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may need different treatment to others e.g. in the way their physical/mental condition might mask possible abuse. Attention may have to be given to those with speech impediments as these can make communication difficult.
The Nominated Person
The Nominated Person with responsibility for vulnerable person protection is Debbie Beach who can be contacted by emailing debbie@walsinghamcare.org.uk.
Responding to an Allegation
1.1 Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the nominated person as soon as possible and in any event within 24 hours.
1.2 The nominated person must report the matter to the Adult Protection Coordinator. In the first instance the Nominated Person may wish to raise the matter with Social Care Services in the informal manner. This will enable checks to be carried out that in some instances may prevent the matter from going to a formal stage. It should be noted that even informal contacts may be recorded by Social Care Services.
1.3 Vulnerable adults have the right to decline assistance. Even if the vulnerable adult does decline assistance, the Nominated Person may still seek advice from Social Care Services.
1.4 The Nominated Person can discuss with Social Care Services what action needs to be taken and who to inform. A note of that conversation should be taken.
1.5 A written record of the date and time of the referral shall be made and must include the name and position of the person to whom the matter is reported. The telephone report must be confirmed in writing to Social Care Services within 24 hours.
1.6 If the Nominated Person cannot be contacted within 24 hours of the initial concern arising then the person making the report must notify the matter to the Social Care Services or Police as appropriate. The Nominated Person must be told as soon as possible of the action that has been taken.
Allegations about Members of Staff
Any suspicion, allegation or actual abuse of a vulnerable person by a Walsingham Care staff member must be reported to the Nominated Person as soon as possible. If, within 24 hours of the initial concern arising, it has not been possible to contact the Nominated Person, the matter must be reported to another member of the Walsingham Care team.
Written Records
1.1 The Nominated Person shall retain a copy of:
- The report;
- Any notes, memoranda or correspondence dealing with the matter;
- Any other relevant material
1.2 Copies of reports, notes etc should be kept securely.
Training will be provided, as appropriate, to all members of staff to ensure that they are aware of these procedures.
Review and Monitoring of the Policy and Procedure
It will be the responsibility of Debbie Beach to review and monitor this policy and procedures and to seek the advice of the local authority department and to bring about any changes in the procedures if necessary.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually.
May 2024